Speak Up and Speak Out

PC: Anita Ojeda

Native American Youth Speak Up and Speak Out to Shape the Dialogue About Race and Culture

Voices of Native Youth exists to give Native American youth a forum for sharing their opinions, culture, accomplishments, and recommendations.

In a world filled with the overwhelming cacophony of voices, Native youth deserve a safe place to share the world as they see it. When we pause and listen to each other’s stories, we have an opportunity to grow and learn.

We invite you into our space to learn and listen. Hopefully, you’ll leave with a deeper understanding of the issues that confront Native youth and a desire to return for more conversation.

We ask that discourse remain civil and respectful at all times. Sometimes the truth makes us uncomfortable, but sitting in our discomfort affords us a chance to grow and learn new ways of seeing the world.


Revealing the Truth about Native American History


Healing with Horses