HIS Nation - MAPS Feature: Academics/Arts Part 2
Episode 4: Going to college- Shawnewa
Shawnewa is a Navajo and Hopi native about to begin her Freshman year in college at the University of Central Florida (UCF) in the Spring. She graduated from Holbrook Indian School (HIS) as a part of the Class of 2020.
For the past few months, she has been living in Orlando, Florida, with Senior Project Designer (KTH Architects) and HIS partner, Elena Pathak, while preparing for her undergraduate studies.
In conclusion to our focus on Academics at HIS, join us as we catch up with Elena and Shawnewa in a video call and get a glimpse into at least one student’s life after HIS.
Also, journey back in time with us in our reflection section as we take a look back at our academic programs during the ’80s.
In This Edition:
75th Anniversary Reflection Section - Academics in the ’80s
Video interview with Shawnewa and Elena - Preparing for College
Article summarizing this video conversation.
The Reflection Section - 75 years of stories like these
In celebration of our 75th year anniversary, we will dedicate a section of each HIS Nation feature to sharing moments and interesting facts in our history.
Today’s Reflection comes from our March 1981 newsletter.
“Every youth, on leaving school, should have acquired a knowledge of some trade or occupation by which, if need be, he may earn a livelihood.
Education p. 218, E. G. White”
Excerpt from Newsletter
Watch as we catch-up with 2020 HIS graduate Shawnewa.
For the past few months, Shawnewa has been living in Orlando, Florida, with Elena Pathak (KTH Architects), a Senior Project Designer and HIS partner, while preparing for her undergraduate studies.
Due to the Florida State school requirement mandating students have two years of a foreign language for admission, Shawnewa pushed to complete Navajo Language I and II virtually at Dine College. She started these prerequisite classes while still in Arizona, living with her grandmother, which presented a series of unfortunate obstacles.
Moving to live beyond state or even reservation borders is not common among many of our students and alumni, much less attending college. Recognizing this, Elena, who has partnered with HIS in campus building projects, decided to do her part in curbing this reality. This eventually led to Elena’s now close mentor relationship with Shawnewa, helping her move beyond the horizon.
Recently, I had a Zoom call with Shawnewa and Elena. It was wonderful to connect with both of them and learn more about this special connection.
“It’s been going pretty good so far.” Shawenwa said. “I have been getting a lot of help from loved ones in the transition process.” Shwanewa plans to become a doctor, though she is not sure exactly which path she will take in her undergrad studies.
“One of the things Shawnewa didn’t mention were the obstacles she had to face leading up to and after graduation,” Elena shared. “While still living with her grandmother back on the reservation, she had no internet to be able to take the language courses.”
“She then lost her grandmother to COVID in July. That was a challenging process for her as her grandmother was like a best friend to her.”
It was at that time, Elena flew Shawnewa to Orlando to provide support and help her move forward with her education. “She has now successfully passed both her Navajo courses and has been successfully admitted to UCF, planning to start in the spring of 2021.
Thank You For Your Support
At HIS we strive to give hope to our students. For 75 years, HIS has been connecting Native American youth to people and opportunities like these. For some of the students, getting on an airplane is a first; being outside of Arizona is a big deal. When you support HIS, you give students like Shawnewa the chance to pursue their dreams.