HIS Nation - Seeking to Understand Part 2, MAPS Feature: Mental Health
HIS Nation Episode 2.
Thank you for dropping in on another edition of HIS Nation. We apologize for the delay in getting this edition posted, there has been a lot going on since our last post.
Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc on anything called a plan, and our internet was down for a few days, but we are grateful to still be able to do what we do. We hope you enjoy what we have to share.
In This Episode:
COVID-19 forces remote learning.
75th-year anniversary reflection section.
Interview with Mr. Loren Fish - Mental Health at HIS part 2.
Covid 19- Update
After two weeks of remote learning, all of our students will be returning to campus on February 8.
Due to an increase in the number of staff members in COVID-19 isolation, we were not able to meet our students’ needs and decided to send students home for two weeks. We also prioritize everyone’s safety.
For a detailed description of our COVID-19 protocol for returning to campus from break or leave, and visitor guidelines, click here.
Please continue to keep our students and staff in your prayers.
The Reflection Section - 75 Years of Stories Like These
In celebration of our 75th year anniversary, we will dedicate a section of each HIS Nation feature to sharing moments and interesting facts in our history.
Today’s reflection comes from the 1991 October/November issue of our newsletter.
A heartwarming encounter near the HIS booth at the Navajo Fair.
Alumni-student encounters, where present and past meet.
“To deal with human minds is the greatest work ever given to man...
—Ellen White”
Mental Health at HIS Part 2
It has been said that “it’s better to seek to understand, rather than try to be understood,” and a very prominent author said, “to deal with human minds is the greatest work ever given to man.”
At Holbrook Indian School (HIS) we try our very best to tackle these humbling prospects. Our MAPS approach (which involves the whole person, Mental, Academic/Artistic, Physical, and Spiritual) is the foundation of all we do here.
For the month of January, our MAPS feature will be sharing the issues and our approach surrounding Mental Health (the “M”)—understanding and dealing with minds.
In our first HIS Nation feature video, we talked with Laura Sohn, where she shared with us some insight into her role as Female Clinical Counselor here at HIS. In this feature, we talk with the Male Clinical Counselor, Loren Fish.
Watch the video above.