New playground DECIDED, DELIVERED, and opened

In 1987, Maplewood Academy raised money for a mission trip to build a playground for Holbrook. That playground eventually faded into a trace of what it once was, as piece by piece the equipment was reduced. The time was long overdue to replace the playground.

In 2021, during GivingHISDay, we began raising funds for a new playground for our elementary students. With the help of generous supporters and the generous legacy of the late Jesse Merrell, we were able to accomplish this. Thank you for your gifts that made the new playground a reality!

$138,927.79 received + Jesse’s $50,000 match = $188,927.79



April 27, 2022: The wood chips have been laid, and the playground is officially open! We had a short dedication of the new structure before allowing students play on it right after.

Thank you for your gifts that made the new playground a reality!

$138,927.79 received
+ Jessee’s $50,000 match
= $188,927.79

April 20, 2022: The old playground has been demolished and construction for the new playground is near complete with all of the equipment installed. We are awaiting wood chips to be laid out next week.

April 4, 2022: The type of playground has been selected and approved by the board. The equipment has been delivered to the campus and awaits installation beginning in mid-April.

November 15, 2021: Students were able to give their input on two options for a new playground while also participating in a practical civics lesson.

After Mr. Ojeda showed students the renderings for each playground option (with all the bells and whistles that goes with each), Mrs. Ojeda led them through the process of casting a ballot to make their vote. Take a look through the photos.

"The purpose of the playground vote assembly was to present the two designs to the students, our most important stakeholders, for their input. After all, they will be the ones using the playground. Student votes will be combined with staff feedback for a final decision that will be presented to the board of trustees for final approval." -Mr. Ojeda