HIS Nation - MAPS Feature: Spiritual
Episode 6: Spiritual Growth at HIS, Healing Historical Wounds.
We have been looking at MAPS, an acronym for the four pillars of our educational program here at Holbrook Indian School.
These four pillars are:
In this edition of HIS Nation, we are looking at the final pillar in our program, the spiritual.
We have many things that we do at HIS that contribute to the spiritual growth of our students. In this edition, we have an article that concentrates on our spiritually-focused activities, as well as a video interview that provides background on the challenge in this area.
We really encourage you to watch the video interview to gain more details on the unique challenge of Native American-Chrisitan relations that is steeped in history.
We also resume our Reflection Section to share moments in our school’s past in honor of our 75th anniversary.
The Reflection Section - 75 Years of Stories Like These
In celebration of our 75th year anniversary, we continue to share moments and interesting facts in our history. To compliment our spiritual feature, we will share such moments from our past.
A March 1981 issue of our newsletter highlighting student baptisms.
A week of prayer from the January/February 1984 issue.
Spiritual Growth at HIS, Healing Historical Wounds
In this video, we have former vice-principal of HIS, Jovannah Poor Bear-Adams, and HIS teacher, Sam Hubbard, to discuss the challenge in Native American-Christian relations due to historical wounds. They also share how our approach to spiritual growth is different.
Jovannah is a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation and came to HIS first as a student where she graduated. She later became a part of the staff as the vice-principal and English teacher.
Sam is a member of the Navajo Nation and is a current staff member. He teaches math, US history, Navajo language, Navajo government, and maker space which is a STEM class.
Jovannah has a very compelling story that you might want to take a look at also.
Spiritual Growth with Pastor Ludy Mahinay
One big challenge in presenting Christianity to our students at Holbrook Indian School (HIS) has to do with the historical “witness” or exposure that many older Native Americans have experienced in the name of Christianity. That experience has had a ripple effect through the generations. It has often created tension between students who might develop an interest in learning about the Bible and their older relatives.
Our MAPS program, and much of what we do as a whole, is tailored to help in healing these historical wounds.
You can watch the video above to gain more details on both the history and our approach. In this article, we will concentrate on our spiritually-focused activities.
Bible Class
A typical day in Bible class consists of beginning class with a devotional. Mr. Mahinay then utilizes simple activities catered to the subject matter for his lessons. Since different spiritual backgrounds and levels of interest can pose a challenge, Mr. Mahinay uses materials designed for a learning context where students of various faiths share in the power of story, grapple with real issues openly, then make discoveries for themselves. It’s a place where investigation is invited. The Encounter Adventist Curriculum is the primary guide in their studies.
Spiritual Events
At the beginning of the school year, we have a week of prayer for our students. We also have dorm chapel periods involving personal development, educational and spiritually focused themes. Friday evenings include vespers for the students primarily, and Sabbath worship is also well attended by our students. All of these events provide ample opportunities for our students to participate in singing and reading.
The student reactions to what we believe and teach here at HIS are a mix of irrelevance, mere curiosity, and sincere interest. Many students ask questions about the things taught, some to the point of taking personal ownership of the beliefs once they understand them.
On May 1, 2021, after a group of students, finished studying the topic of baptism, sixteen students eventually were baptized. That is the most on record that we are aware of.
One of our greatest concerns is the response of the parents to their child’s decision, but the Holy Spirit was working miraculously in this group, not only in the hearts of the students but to their parents/guardians as well.
In addition to the sixteen students, three parents were also baptized along with two graduate students, and five staff children for a total of twenty-six.
We always inform our student’s parents to ensure they are okay with their child’s decision. Without consent from them, we will only be exasperating any unfavorable feelings.
Baptisms in Photos

In keeping with the Holbrook Indian School belief and practice of honoring Native American culture, each student was given a Native print blanket as a gift.
“The strongest argument in favor of the gospel is a loving and lovable Christian.”
“Survey Says”
The person working foremost in the fulfillment of these baptisms is Pastor Ludy Mahinay. As the school’s Bible class teacher, chaplain, and Pastor, he spends a lot of his time in the spiritual area of our students. However, he would be the first to tell you that these baptisms are the result of a collaborative work of Divine power and a staff that loves their students, and those are not just flowery words. Survey says that is quite literally the case, as Pastor Mahinay discovered for himself.
“I did a random survey in class, asking our students what inspired them to accept God or get baptized,” he said. “The multiple-choice options included: various specific teachings/doctrines or topics of the bible and a space for an ‘other’ response.”
The responses are heartwarming.
“Some answered with specific topics that convinced them,” Pastor Mahinay recalls, “but generally, they wrote what convinces them is how all the staff here treated them, cared for them, and loved them. To me, this is a perfect reflection of God’s love through action and not just in words.”
God’s Work
The reflection of God’s love in action created a ripple that reached the hearts of the parents and guardians as well. In one such family, the parents asked if they could get baptized together with their three children here at HIS. This was right before the date for baptism, so it presented a slight concern as far as having adequate preparation for the Baptism and Bible studies.
Pastor Mahinay made the necessary consultations with senior Pastor, Pastor Walcott, and together they decided to baptize the eager parents, explaining to them the purpose of baptism. Pastor Walcott will be doing the follow-up with the family to accommodate their location.
This is how God works: God utilizing a network of human vessels, from the supporters of Holbrook Indian School who help make the resources and staff possible, to the staff who in turn provide direct education, love, and care.
Thank You for Your Help!
Thanks to you, we have been able to provide this comprehensive program we call MAPS. You are part of the legacy of supporters who have helped make these intentions a reality for 75 years. We hope that with this background information on each component we have shared, you realize how much of an impact you are actually making.
If you have not already, we encourage you to read our other blogs covering each of the four pillars of MAPS.
If you prefer, you can visit our YouTube channel to watch each episode video.
You can read more about the history behind the strained Native American-Christian relations in this article: A CULTURE IN CRISIS: LEARNING FROM THE PAST TO IMPROVE THE FUTURE
Thank you for your support.