Welcome to HIS Nation blog, a place where members of the Holbrook Indian School community come together to share stories, ideas, and events happening within our school. Subscribe to stay connected with regular updates and insights into life at Holbrook Indian School!
Hope Amid the Crisis
COVID-19 was just gaining media attention when Holbrook Indian School began its Spring Break. One of our students, who had a less than ideal home-life on the reservation, received permission from her guardian to spend Spring Break with the family of two other students who lived in the Phoenix area. These students also had challenges at home and staff members offered to keep the three students during the break. However, they were determined to spend their Spring Break having fun in the “big city.”
Students Retrace Navajo Long Walk as Part of U. S. History Class
Rather than sit in a stuffy classroom and experience history as recorded by historians, I decided to teach my students how to be historians. For the first few weeks of fourth quarter students researched and planned a trip that would retrace the Navajo Long Walk.
Loma Linda Mini Maker Faire
In April, twelve students went to California to attend the Loma Linda Mini Maker Faire. This faire focuses on stimulating and inspiring creative minds through Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Math & Service (S.T.R.E.A.M.S.).